
Digital Marketing Agency: Start a Social Media Business


Innovate Investment Academy

Reviews 3.50 (2 Reviews)

Course Overview

Course Content

  • Digital Marketing Agency: Start a Social Media Business
    • • Introduction to Social Media Marketing and Digital Marketing Agencies

    • • Market Research and Target Audience Analysis

    • • Developing a Social Media Marketing Strategy

    • • Content Creation and Content Marketing

    • • Social Media Advertising and Paid Promotion Strategies

    • • Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

    • • Email Marketing and Marketing Automation

    • • Analytics and Data-Driven Decision Making

    • • Branding and Reputation Management

    • • Starting and Growing a Digital Marketing Agency

$ 920.00
  • Lessons 10
  • Enrolled 23
  • Skill Experts
  • Last Update June 6, 2023